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Here you have our absolute luxury item - Cashmere.

Our cashmere is some of the best on the market and is definitely the most luxurious yarn we have. Our 100% Cashmere is perfect for smaller projects such as small scarves. Both PetiteKnit and My Favorite Things Knitwear have lovely little scarves to go with it. If you are allergic or very sensitive, you can easily tolerate this yarn. Our cashmere/silk is super delicious for summer blouses or large drapey shawls

The cashmere yarn comes from the cashmere goat that lives in the mountains of the Himalayas. Each goat 'makes' only very small amounts of wool each year. In addition, the goats live in a huge natural area, which in itself makes access difficult. Therefore, the wool is extremely rare and very expensive. Cashmere has an excellent ability to regulate temperature, so you are neither too hot nor too cold.

The cashmere from Noble Nomads has its own history, which we describe more about under the product itself.

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